Joliet Chapter 131

since 01/26/1927

Student Spotlight


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About Joliet Chapter 131

Founded January 26, 1927

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AHEPA Blue Ribbon District 13
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Niko Diamantopoulos personel bio pic

What school are you attending?

I am a graduate of Plainfield South high school, and I am currently attending The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

My Favorite teacher of all-time is Mr. Milller my sophomore year A.P. US history teacher. History has not always been my favorite subject, but Mr. Miller presented the information in a very interesting manner which kept me engaged and exited to learn about the history of our country. Mr. Miller also taught his class like a college lecture which immensely helped my transition to college lectures

What is your favorite area of study and why?

My favorite area of study is definitely molecular genetics. As a junior premed student here at U of I, I have found that the future of medical research has to do with treating many genetic diseases. With my future pursuits in medicine, I feel most inclined to tackle some of these more serious, prevalent illnesses first hand and see if I can make a large societal impact treating these sorts of illnesses.

What do you like most about your school?

I like the diversity of my school the most. There are people from almost every country in the world attending my university. I am always fascinated to hear about the different upbringings people have, and how people end up in the places they are at. Furthermore, I love that I am competing with people not only from Illinois, but from all around the globe. At times, my classes are cut-throat. Only so many people will earn an A, B, C etc. To me, it is one of the best feelings when I earn a grade having the knowledge that I have outworked people form around the world.

What is your best memory of school?

My best memory of school was probably failing my first Exam in college. This may seem a little strange, but i found this to be one of the most eye opening, humbling moments. I did not struggle too much in high school to receive good grades. When I first came to this school, I did not change the way I studied and I had a rude awakening when I failed my first biology exam. I took this moment as a learning experience, and I am proud to say that I made huge changes after this defining moment and have yet to fail an exam since.

What is an essential thing you must have while studying?

I always need a large cup of black coffee next to me while I am studying. Unfortunately with my area of studies, I have found myself pulling all nighters studying on a regular basis. Coffee always helps me get through this struggle.

What do you like to do when not in school or studying?

When I am not at school or studying, I enjoy exercising spending time with family and friends.

What is your dream job and why?

My dream job is to become a doctor. At the moment, I don’t know exactly which area of medicine I would like to specialize in, but I am certain that I would like to strive towards a career in medicine.

What is something people do not know about you?

One thing people don't know about me is that I am trilingual in English Greek and Spanish.

Whom do you look up to and why?

I look up to both of my parents. Not only have they guided and supported me throughout my entire life, but they truly are the epitome of the American dream. Having immigrated to America with little money and connections, they struggled early on to achieve success.

Will you be attending a college, or trade school?

Yes. I am currently a junior at the University of Illinois.

What are your parents names?

My parents names are Olympia and Dimitrios Diamantopoulos

Were they or you born in Greece?
Yes they were. My mother was born in Drama, and my father was born in Argos.
Do you have any siblings? If so what are their names and ages?
I have an older brother named Anastasios, he is 21 and is also attending U of I.

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AHEPA Mission Statement:

To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity,
and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.