Joliet Chapter 131

since 01/26/1927

Student Spotlight


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About Joliet Chapter 131

Founded January 26, 1927

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AHEPA Blue Ribbon District 13
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Elena Anna Argoudelis personel bio pic

What high school did you attend? And year of graduation?

I attended Plainfield North High School and graduated in 2016.

What University are you attending? And year?

I am currently a freshman at the Ohio State University and will graduate in 2020.

What is your major and why?

I am majoring in psychology and have been completing prerequisites in the pursuit of a career in the medical field. In high school, I enjoyed learning about psychology and how it relates to almost everything in our world. I find it important to have this major as my background in any career path I decide to take because I will have an understanding of how others think, feel, and act allowing me to best help them. Also, I am interested in medicine because ever since I was young the human body and how it works has fascinated me. By working in the medical field, I will be able to make a positive impact on the lives of others, which I value greatly while also continuing my passion for medicine.

What do you like most about your school?

My favorite aspect of attending Ohio State is the spirit in which each of the students share. Everyone is always happy to be at OSU and excited to learn. I feel that I am constantly surrounded by such a positive and intellectual environment that allows me to grow as both a student and a person.

What is an essential thing you must have while studying?

When studying I must have coffee and piano music to help me focus. My favorite place to study is Thompson Library.

What do you like to do when not in school or studying?

I am a member of the university dance performance company called Dance Connection. Through this organization, I participate in performances and outreach programs. I enjoy spending time with the friends I have met in Dance Connection as we share our love of dance.

Do you have post college plans?

I plan to go to professional school for a career in medicine.

What is your dream job and why?

My dream job is to work in a hospital in Chicago. I want to be a part of the fast pace environment of a large hospital in a big city. The resources in this setting will allow me to fulfill my passion in my service to others and make an impact by improving the lives of others one person at a time.

Is anyone in your family an AHEPAN?

My dad, John Argoudelis is part of AHEPA Chapter 131 as well as my grandfather, Angelo Hondros. My late grandfather, Frank Argoudelis, was an AHEPAN and my great grandfather James Argoudelis was one of the earliest members of AHEPA.

What does AHEPA mean to you?

AHEPA reinforces the preservation of our Greek heritage that we live daily. This continuation of our traditions is important to me and my identity as a member of the Greek Orthodox community. Specifically, AHEPA Chapter 131 has supported me and other young members of our Greek community to be able to further our education and preserve a sense of belonging to our Greek culture. Being a part of the AHEPA family keeps our roots grounded and I am grateful to have been impacted by AHEPA’s generosity and core values of Hellenism.

What is something people do not know about you?

I love visiting New York City and especially enjoy going to Broadway shows. My favorite show is Wicked, which I have seen multiple times. Seeing the show reminds me of the most memorable character of my childhood, the Wicked Witch, from the Wizard of Oz.

Whom do you look up to and why?

I look up to my mom, Maria Argoudelis, my grandma, Frances Hondros, and my aunt, Elaine Kanellakes, who all play a role as strong women in my life. Each has special qualities that I hope to develop as I continue to grow. I am blessed to have all three women supporting and loving me throughout all that I do. They all bring me happiness and motivate me to be the best version of myself.

What are your parents’ names?

My parents are John and Maria Argoudelis.

Were they or you born in Greece, if so, where?

My parents and I were born in the U.S., however three of my four grandparents were born in Greece. My grandfather, Angelo Hondros, was born in Karyes Laconias and my grandmother, Frances Hondros, was born in Tripolis Arcadia. My grandmother, Anna Argoudelis, was born in Volada Karpathos.

Tell us an accomplishment that makes you particularly proud. 

During my senior year of high school, I received the Most Valuable Player Award of the Plainfield North High School Varsity Dance Team. I was a captain of my team and in that role, I was in charge of organizing communication between the coach and the team as well as problem solving important issues for our success. I also was in charge of motivating my teammates as we made it all the way to the state competition.

Are you in any activity or sport while in college or high school?

In college, I am a member of a dance company at Ohio State called Dance Connection. I have been chosen to be the treasurer of the organization next year and am excited to be in charge of this leadership position.

Do you have any siblings? If so what are their names and ages?

I have a younger brother named Alexandros (Alek) who is 16 years old and a junior at Plainfield North High School.

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AHEPA Mission Statement:

To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity,
and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.