Joliet Chapter 131

since 01/26/1927

Student Spotlight


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About Joliet Chapter 131

Founded January 26, 1927

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AHEPA Blue Ribbon District 13
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Dino Dimitroulas personel bio pic

What school are you attending?

I am attending Plainfield South High school.

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

My favorite teacher was my AP U.S. history teacher Mr. Miller. He always presented the history of the United States in a way that was unbiased and truthful. He highlighted both the amazing and the ugly sides of American history. Besides that, Mr. Miller always felt like someone you could talk to about anything. You wanted to respect him because he respected you enough to not spoon feed you information, but make you think about it and develop your own opinions.

What is your favorite area of study and why?

My favorite areas of study are calculus and biology. I love calculus because each question is like a puzzle, and I always feel really accomplished and proud whenever I solve one of the page long questions presented to me by my teacher. I love biology because it is really interesting to learn about how and why an organism functions the way it does. Life is so intricate and diverse that even a tiny bug can hold myriad of secrets.

What do you like most about your school?

The thing I like most about my school is how tight knit we are as a community. Thanks in part to our various leadership organizations and different clubs. Everyone feels like they belong. Our staff and students go out of our way to make sure people feel like a family, and it really shows, especially during events like Homecoming week.

What is your best memory of school?

My best memory of high school would definitely have to be when PSLC hosted 8th grade step up day. PSLC stands for Plainfield South Leadership Core, and our goals involve bettering both our school and our community. Our biggest goal however, is to make sure the incoming freshman feel welcomed and ready to take on high school. Step up day is when all the incoming freshman come to Plainfield South and participate in several games and activities, and get their questions answered about high school. I had the pleasure of leading one of the games with my friends, and it was a really fun experience. We interacted with many kids. In fact, I was able to get to know some of these kids even more once they got to high school. I made many connections because of step up day and it is a memory I will always treasure.

What is an essential thing you must have while studying?

An essential thing I must have while studying is my Pilot G2 pens. I love the way they write, and I feel like I study better when I use them.

What do you like to do when not in school or studying?

When I am not at school or studying, I spend most of my time working out and playing chess online.

What is your dream job and why?

My dream job is to become a neurosurgeon, because the brain is still such a mystery to us. I would love to delve deeper into its secrets and discover how it truly works. I especially want to learn more about our subconscious mind and how it truly functions.

What is something people do not know about you?

One thing people don't know about me is that I can speak Greek fluently.

Whom do you look up to and why?

I look up to my mom and dad because they came to the U.S. with nothing but a dream, and have worked their hardest everyday since then in order to ensure that my brother and I have a better life. I always try to show the same drive and determination I see from my parents in everything that I do.

Will you be attending a college, or trade school?

If yes, have you chosen one or narrowed it down to a few? I will be attending college. I have narrowed down my college search to Loyola University, University of Chicago, and Northwestern University.

What are your parents names?

My parents names are Vasileios Dimitroulas and Eleni Triantou Dimitroulas.

Were they or you born in Greece?

Yes, they were both born in Tripoli.

Do you have any siblings? If so what are their names and ages?

I have a little brother named Christos and he is 10 years old.

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AHEPA Mission Statement:

To promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, integrity,
and family and individual excellence through community service and volunteerism.